This is Miss Natalie. She is three years old going on 16. Good luck with that Angie and Chris!
Ian and I still laugh at the first thing Natalie said to us: "Where's your kid?" She is a character and I think she takes after her mother in the talent category. When we were walking around Prague Castle, Natalie would find an open area that looked like a stage and start giving everyone a performance at the top of her lungs from "Mama Mia" or some other musical rendition. She is very talented and knows all the words to the songs she sings.
So here are a few pictures from our day of touring the castle--the one sunny day of their visit.
This is St. Vitus Cathedral, in the background in the pictures above. Here is it closer, but you can't really get a sense of perspective because it is so big.
We had to stop for lunch. Walking and singing all over that castle is tiring. So we had some goulash soup.
As we made our way through the castle area there were a few areas for great photo ops of the main part of the town. Here you can see the Charles Bridge over my shoulder. Yes, I'm a little tired. By this time I think Natalie was giving orders to "jump" down the steps. And she was doing it with attitude.
Of course it wouldn't be a blog post if there weren't more pictures of food. One night we went out for a traditional Czech dinner at this tiny restaurant that is in a building hundreds of years old (see the first picture of all of us in the restaurant). The boys started with asparagus soup.
The girls went for goulash and potato pancakes.
And the boys went for the flaming male stranska, several different kinds of meat wrapped in more meat, served on fire with a plum sauce.
So thanks for a great visit Angie and Chris. We enjoyed showing you around one of our favorite cities and we hope it's not so long until we see you the next time. xoxo
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