Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Czech Food: Part čtyři

We've been eating a lot of pizza here. Not sure why pizza is so prevalent, but the Czechs do something interesting with multi ingredient pizza. Let's say you order a 4 cheese pizza like we did yesterday for lunch. Instead of mixing up the cheese and sprinkling it over the entire pizza, they put one ingredient on a section of pizza. Here you can see the blue cheese section, the brie section, the parm section, and the Czech cheese section. And then peppers cover the top of course. They did the same thing the other night--a ham section, a basil section, etc. etc.

We've also been enjoying the salad. Usually we order a salad made of peppers, tomatos, cheese, cucumbers, and whatever else they want to throw on--maybe olives. Isn't it pretty, and colorful. It might be referred to as a Balkan salad, and it does remind me of the salads I'd get in Macedonia.

And there's not a day that goes by that we don't buy some kind of bread. Here is a shot of one of the cases. Before we leave, we are going to get a shot with the ladies at our favorite bakery. They know us and smile whenever we walk in and are good sports with our feeble attempts at pronouncing what we want.


  1. OMG. Can you please send one of those pizzas to Jersey? Will it still be warm? Is it low carb?
    Oh, I don't care, just send one. Please?

  2. Your blog is really awesome and this food look delicious. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I like Czech food very much and i have tried many Czech cuisine recipes which i got from youtube and many other website.
